For a full chart of artist earnings, click here! Please note that your Account Category will determine your earnings on most products. If your Account Category changes in the middle of a pay period, your earnings will always be based on your account’s categorization at the time of the sale.
You may notice at times that you receive a lower profit margin on a sale than you'd expect. There are a few instances that could lead to this.
- You sold an item during a site-wide sale.
- You sold an item during your design's first 72-hours live on the site.
- A customer used a coupon to purchase an item from your storefront.
You can check this against your earnings report as well. When you log into your account and download your earnings report it will be sent to the email address associated with your account. Open this file and find the sale in question, paying close attention to column C ("Earning Type"). If column C says "regular" next to the sale then you should have received a full profit margin. Conversely, if it says "sale" then the order was affected by one of the three reasons above, and you should see a sale profit margin. You can note the profit margin in column K ("Total Earnings").